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Thank you for your decision to breastfeed your baby with Mother Nature’s perfect food for your little one.  Although, it is natural to breastfeed, it is not without its learning curve!  Throughout life, we come across multiple learning curves, where we need to learn information, ask questions, receive help, & get counseling.  It doesn’t necessarily feel good going through a learning curve, so don’t hesitate to make this process easier for yourself by reaching out.  There are many myths, assumptions, misinformation, & “fake news” floating around in cyberworld, so make sure you get the accurate information from a reliable source.  The outcome can be so worthwhile, & you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner!

This issue, we will look at the first learning curve.

#1 Basic Breastfeeding Management

Did you know that breastfeeding management is the number one underlying cause of why women stop breastfeeding their babies?  Poor breastfeeding management is responsible for sore nipples, low milk supply, & slow weight gain.  Get a jump on how to breastfeed by attending a prenatal breastfeeding class.  The newborn’s first feed ideally occurs within 2 hours after birth. 

A class is great way to learn the foundations of breastfeeding.  But your personal journey will tweak what is in the books to make it just right for you & your family.  Learn the ins & outs from other breastfeeding moms of what worked for them or what didn’t, what to buy or not bother buying, … Consider attending a La Leche League (LLL) meeting prenatally to get helpful tips for surviving the hospital experience!  More information about our local meeting can be found @

Have you tried breastfeeding, & it didn’t work out for you?  Book yourself a prenatal lactation consult to discuss your previous experience & discover possible reasons for the possible derailment.  You will receive a plan to help this new journey be smoother.

Next time, we will explore …

#2 How to get lactation help at minimal cost?